Thank you to all our funders

The Brick House is largely supported by grants from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts — a Community Connections grant from the Department of Children and Families (DCF), and two grants from the Department of Public Health (DPH). Additional program funding comes from the Town of Montague, the Massachusetts Cultural Council, the United Way of Franklin and Hampshire Counties, the Franklin Regional Council of Governments, the Amelia Peabody Foundation, and the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts. We also receive donations from community members and local businesses and are a member of the Food Bank of Western MA.
The Brick House is proud to partner with many organizations, agencies, and businesses. Through collaboration and coalition building, we work to sustain and expand the network of local resources which support youth and families. Below are some of our current and recent partners:
- Ajitate Design
- BART Charter Public School
- Baystate Health
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Franklin County
- Center for New Americans
- Central West Justice Center
- Collaborative Resolutions Group
- Community Action Family Center
- Community Action Youth Programs
- Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
- Communities That Care Coalition
- DIAL/SELF-Youth and Community Services
- Department of Children and Families
- Department of Public Health, Office of Youth Violence Prevention
- Franklin Community Co-op
- Franklin County Community Health Center
- Franklin County People’s Fund
- Franklin County Resource Network
- Gill-Montague Community-School Partnership
- Gill-Montague Regional School District
- Greenfield Savings Bank
- The Heartwing Center (Formerly Montague Catholic Social Ministries)
- Just Roots Farm
- LifePath
- The Literacy Project
- Mary Lyon Foundation
- Mass Migrant Education Project
- MassHire Franklin Hampshire Workforce Board
- Mohawk Trail Regional School District
- Montague Community TV
- Montague Council on Aging
- Montague Parks and Recreation Department
- Montague Public Libraries
- National Endowment for the Arts
- New England Learning Center for Women in Transition (NELCWIT)
- Northwestern District Attorney’s Office
- Partnership for Youth
- Pioneer Valley Workers Center
- The Shea Theater Arts Center
- Stone Soup Cafe
- Tapestry Health
- Town of Montague Parks and Recreation
- Turners Falls RiverCulture
- United Arc
- Upward Bound- Northfield Mount Hermon
- Western Mass ACLU Legal Office
- Wildflower Alliance / Western Mass Recovery Learning Community (RLC)
- The Women’s Resource Center of Western Massachusetts