The Discovery Center is Hosting the Brick House Teen Center for a Youth Art Exhibit and we need you(th)! Create art @ The Brick House or bring your art in. […]
Youth Theatre Improv Series
Wednesdays, 6-8pmFebruary to May 2023For Youth Ages 12+ Use improv and theatre games and film to connect and create! No experience required: stipend upon completion RSVP by January 15! Email: […]
Fuel Assistance Workshop
January 12, 202210-noon at The Brick House Partnered with CAPVHomeowners and Tenants may be eligible! Our fuel assistance workshop will help navigate the paperwork and application process for fuel assistance. […]
Parent Support Group – Free Childcare
1st and 3rd Thursday of each month 5pm-6pmIn person and online Are you looking for parenting ideas and support from other parents and guardians? The Brick House is hosting a […]
Dana Lee Mengwasser
Executive Director
Pronouns: they/ them/ theirs
Dana Lee Mengwasser began working with The Brick House in the Spring of 2014. They are committed to advancing opportunities for youth and parent leadership and empowerment. As the Executive Director, they oversee youth, family, and community programming and provide supervision and loving-guidance for our staff. Dana is dedicated to fostering community collaboration through participation in local coalitions, partners, and neighbors.
We’ve Hired a New Youth Programs Manager!
Stay tuned for more info about our newly hired manager, Xinef Afriam!