The Brick House has signed on to the commitment below, for a full list of community signatories click here.
We, the undersigned Franklin County organizations, pledge:
To work to keep our towns welcoming, affordable, safe and healthy;
To safeguard the privacy of all of our members, customers, or constituents;
To help facilitate mobility and access for all local residents;
To support community members’ efforts to directly meet each other’s needs;
To insist that basic human rights are not contingent on legal status or national origin;
To refute, refuse, and resist any doctrine advocating racial supremacy or segregation;
To defend those persecuted on the basis of their gender or sexual orientation;
To stand up for the rights of religious minorities;
To oppose bullying, harassment, and aggression;
To uphold the inherent dignity of all people.
We will support each other in remembering, and living up to, these values.
We will hold to them even in times of national crisis, war, or economic downturn.
We will work to review our own internal practices and improve them.
We welcome our neighbors to join us.
To sign on, email: