Hello all! I’m Xinef Afriam, the new Youth Programs Manager at the Brick House.
I work in the teen center with our youth and am very excited about the possibilities of what the space and community can become. My mentre is: meet the youth where they’re at and then elevate together, so I’m spending time learning from them and hoping to continue introducing new and exciting projects as we move on.
Recently, we had a successful art exhibition spearheaded by our Americorps member Alida Proctor. Youth sold their own artwork and made a pretty penny. It was so uplifting to see them recognize their own greatness. I want to continue that arc by finding more opportunities for the youth to create their work and share it with the community. We hope to have events like open mics, talent shows and more exhibitions, that highlight the immense talent of our teens. We look forward to sharing more and more!