After a five-month search process we are pleased to announce that we have hired a new Executive Director!
Dr. Tom Taaffe has a long history building and supporting organizations, including work with ARISE for Social Justice, the Pioneer Valley Asthma Coalition, and recently as a public health consultant to the town of Northampton.
As our first full-time Executive Director in 20 years, Tom brings a personal understanding and commitment to the ways arts and culture are vital to community well being, and over 30 years experience working with the complexities of fundraising, program development and nonprofit management.
In addition to his public health work, Tom has a PhD in anthropology from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and a professional background in theater, music and graphic arts. Prior to moving to Western Massachusetts, he co-founded and led several organizations, including an arts council and a musician’s coalition.
Tom officially joined us last week and has hit the ground running! Mike Jackson, our Interim Executive Director and our Board of Directors are working closely with Tom to ensure a smooth transition this summer.
We’ve seen our program staff grow and deepen their work during the transition of the past year and we’re very excited for what we’ll be able to accomplish with this new dedicated leadership.
If you have any questions please email us at board@brickhousecommunity.org.
A Note From Tom
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
I am pleased and delighted to be invited to serve as Executive Director for the Brick House Community Resource Center and the Turners Falls community. As a resident of Western Mass, I’ve long been familiar with your wonderful and picturesque town. As someone with a background in the arts, public health, education, community empowerment and economic development, I am greatly attracted to the holistic and community-oriented work of the Brick House.
We have a great staff. The young people bring us endless joy, helping parents and families is deeply rewarding and I look forward to getting to know you as I settle into my role. I feel strongly that this organization’s commitment to the arts, youth development, family support and community engagement makes an important contribution to the well-being of Turners Falls and the surrounding area.
I look forward to getting to know many of you over the coming months, learning about your interests, ideas and concerns and working together toward a common goal. Please feel welcome to the Brick House and share your thoughts with me as we continue to grow and serve families, youth, the arts community and the greater community.
Be well,
Dr. Thomas Taaffe
Executive Director
Brick House Community Resource Center