Make a Payment
By Check:
Send a check made out to “The Brick House Community Resource Center”. Space Rental / the name of your group or program in the memo line and either hand the check off to your TBH contact or send by mail to:
The Brick House Community Resource Center
24 Third St.
Turners Falls, 01354
By Venmo:
Please write “Brick House space rental/the name of your group or program” in the description
If you are collecting payments or donations from multiple people please group them together with cash or your own venmo account and then submit the money in one payment.
Invoices and Receipts:
If you would like a receipt for your payment or require an invoice to make your payment please let your TBH contact person know. All payments are due upon completion of your event.
If you have any questions please reach out to your Space Committee contact.
Events that are free or by donation
For events and programs that are free or by donation please take a moment to introduce the Brick House and ask for a donation. There is a suggested blurb below that you are welcome to read, or make up your own with similar talking points.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your Space Committee Contact.
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We are so grateful that you have all chosen to join us at the Brick House. The Brick House Community Resource Center is true to its name, making space for a wide range of events and programs that meet diverse community needs in Franklin County and beyond.
Just by a show of hands, who is new to this space today? Who has used this space before? We’re so glad you’re here!
From our Teen Drop-In Center, to our Parent & Family Support Program, to our Food Pantry, to hosting amazing events like this one, this building plays a vital role in the cultural and artistic life of our community.
We are using this space free of charge and hope that you will join us by making a donation, however modest, to support The Brick House. Any amount will help to continue to make this space accessible and sustainable to our community. You can find out more about The Brick House on their website:
A portion of your donations this evening will go to The Brick House to help make this space more accessible and sustainable. You can find out more about the Brick House at
Check out list for the Movement Studio
- All guests have vacated and activity is over by the defined end of the rental
- All trash from the event is picked up (inside and outside the building) and placed in the trash can in the dressing room. If the trash bin is full (in either the bathroom or the dressing room) or contains any food items or items likely to cause an odor, tie up the trash bag and place it in the larger trash bin on the 2nd floor deck outside the office door. Put a new trash bag in any empty bins. (Trash bags can be found in the bins under the bathroom sink).
- All renters’ property is removed or put away.
- The studio floor is swept. Please use the dry mop behind the dressing room door to sweep the studio. Dust from the mop should be shaken off outside. (Try holding the mop over the banister and beating it against the building, letting dust fall into the alley).
- Dressing room and entrance rug are vacuumed. Vacuum is kept in the furnace room (the door to the furnace room is in the dressing room).
- Bathroom is swept. A broom can be found behind the dressing room door.
- All windows are closed and locked.
- The speaker system is turned off
- The air purifier is turned off
- If the heat was turned up, it has been turned back down to 67 degrees.
- All lights are turned off.
- The entrance door is locked.
- Fill out the tracking form for:
Check out list for the Front Room
All cleaning supplies for the front room are located in the cleaning supplies closet by the front entrance.
- All guests have vacated and activity is over by the defined end of the rental
- All trash from the event is picked up (inside and outside the building) and placed in the trash bin. If the trash bin is full (in either the bathroom or the main room) or contains any food items or items likely to cause an odor, tie up the trash bag and bring the bag to the storage area accessible from the outside of the building in the alley. Find the key for the storage area hanging on a nail in the cleaning supplies closet. Please return the key after locking the storage area back up!
- All furniture and supply items have been returned to their original location (tables, chairs, sofa, fans, heaters, etc).
- All recyclable materials have been placed in the recycling bin.
- All renters’’ property is removed or put away.
- All floors are swept (and mopped as needed.)
- Any surfaces that have been used have been wiped down and cleaned.
- The bathroom has been restocked with paper goods (toilet paper, paper towels)
- All fans, air conditioners, and space heaters have been turned off. (air purifier and dehumidifier may remain in-use).
- All windows are closed and locked.
- The speaker system and projector has been turned off.
- If the heat was turned up, it has been turned back down to 67 degrees.
- The front door is locked.
- Fill out the tracking form for:
Brick House Show Rules
Brick House Show Rules
Developed by the Space Committee, Spring 2023
Scheduling & space use
- The Brick House is a substance free space.
- Shows will only happen on Friday nights, Saturdays, or Sunday before 5pm.
- Amplified music needs to be done by 11pm. All shows need to be done by 11:30pm.
- The front room has a legal capacity of 49 people.
- The total rental time for a show needs to include 2 hours before the show starts for set up and and 1 hour after for clean up
- You may use the side door as an entrance, this is especially helpful once a show starts.
Host / Booker / Volunteers
- Shows are required to have a Brick House host present at all times.
- The booker should meet with the host prior to the show to discuss rules, sound, etc.
- Each booker needs to bring at least 2 volunteers for set up and 2 for clean up in addition to the booker and BH host.
- The booker / bands must run their own sound.
- The booker / bands must cover the door.
- If the event is free please pass the hat for donations to support The Brick House
- If the show has a cover the booker can choose between our hourly rate of $10/hour or 25% of the door.
- The Brick House host will collect payment at the end of the show.
- If the show is not part of our monthly volunteer series a Space Committee member may be available for a flat rate of $100 in addition to the above fees.
- We have a PA, mixer and monitor speakers.
- Chairs from upstairs can be used but need to be returned.
- All furniture needs to be replaced as is, in the front room and teen center.
OutreachA show image and information can be emailed to: to be posted on the Brick House website.